It's located 1 km. from El Solei and it has inflatables, trampolines, slides, etc.

Timetable in summer (20 June to 13 September): Thursday and Friday 5 pm to 9 pm  /  weekends and public holidays 4:30 pm to 9 pm

Timetable for the rest of the year: Thursday and Friday 5 pm to 9 pm  /  weekends and public holidays 11 am to 2 pm and 4:30 pm to 9 pm



  • 1 hour, €6
  • unlimited time, €7
  • unlimited time, members, €6
  • magic price (unlimited time + sandwich and drink + bag of sweets or balloons), €9

weekends or public holidays:     

  • 1 hour, €6.5
  • unlimited time, €8
  • unlimited time members, €6.5
  • magic price (unlimited time + sandwich and drink + bag of sweets or balloons), €10

Additional information